SO I returned my 12 dollar stylus and got a refund and bought a 30 dollar one that works fine, but my brush strokes still lag in photoshop, so I did some more troubleshooting and it's tolerable but not perfect. I'm not sure if I should up the amount of memory photoshop can use to 100 percent, I'm not sure if that would cause any problems.
I have a wisdom tooth that I never pulled and after eating too much kettle chips the skin around it is infalmed and infected somehow... which is total bullshit. But, it fucking hurts and if pulling the tooth will get it to heal then I have no choice. Basically in a few hours I'll go in there and get drugged up and then they'll pull it.
All over a bag of Jalepeno Cheddar Kettle Lays.... I love spicey chips but this is bullshit.
Oh crap good luck with your wisdom tooth removal. the part about the spicy chips being the culprit is unfortunate cause I just eating them like a couple of days ago ugh, why couldn't have been like an apple or something but not da spicy chips
Also somebody should record you all drugged up post-removal
Lol I'm a party animal dude so I didn't act a whole lot different than I usually do. xD
I gotta tell you even with two gaping holes in my gums it feels a million times better now.