It was to the point where I could slick it back but I was avoiding the mullet so it didn't get that long in the back but I kind of wanted to grow my hair out. I'm doing a sort of mock internship while I bide my time and set things up for another season of internship hunting while I'm enrolled in a internship course to help facilitate the process. Beyond that I'm a couple weeks from finishing all the classes I need to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts diploma in General Studio Art. I'm just planning on using the hours I've logged animating shorts at my current internship to carry the internship class over to summer session so I don't have to pay any tuition.
I ended up cutting my hair because In N Out called me and asked if I could go in for an interview, I reluctantly accepted (although I sounded enthused on the phone) because I really don't want to go back to working fast food even a respectable place that pays well compared to all other places. I still decided that I should try my best and go for it considering that I could use the money even if it was just a summer job or something. So I cut my hair, put on a shirt and tie and kicked ass at the interveiw. But alas they did not call me on friday like they said they would if they had a possition that fit me. I'm actually relieved.
Another part of me doesn't want to work because I had just won an appeal for unemployment benefits from my last fast food job that I worked at for almost 3 years. Literally hours after the hearing, In n Out called me for an interview the next day. Then today I finally got the back pay for all the weeks the EDD didn't send me benefits (since Jan) because of the lies the new owners of my store were saying to the EDD. Those lies basically led to me getting denied and I had to file for the appeal which I slam dunked and won when the hearing occured. Part of me doesn't want to rely on the benefits but another wants to squeeze the fuckers who treated me like shit then fired me for all I can. My plan is to just finish school and try to get a real job through an internship, sounds a lot funner than working a fast food job on the side like I did for 3 years.
I've also been working on a lot of concept art for my friends band album art and the art for their band name. I'm in the final stages of creating things digitally and will have a digital version of both within the next day. Hopefully he likes it enough to pay me a few hundred for everything cuz I could always use the money, and I've spent a lot of hours contemplating and drawing the designs.